Troubleshoot steps

We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. There is a feature to reset all data, and you can press and hold the touch button to reset, you shall get a confirmation dialogue box after that. After a reset, you need to re-connect the watch before use & also reinstall the supported watch App. If your issue still persists, kindly revert back to us on this email and we shall be happy to assist you with the replacement.

Regards, Team Boltt

This is a feature in our Firepods where you can unpair and put both of the pods in the case and keep it in the case itself for 20 to 30 seconds. After its done, you can pair & re-connect it with your device and troubleshooting for ear-pods will be activated.

Regards, Team Boltt

Please be informed make sure that the hand surface may not be clear like having hair or covered with moisturizer due to which the sensors are not performing. Wearing the watch very tightly can also be a reason due to which the sensors are not performing. If the surface of the hand is covered with tattoos then this can also be a reason due to which the sensors are not performing. If your issue still persists, kindly revert back to us on this email and we shall be happy to assist you with the replacement.

Regards, Team Boltt

If you've encountered an issue where your watch doesn't seem to start, please don't worry. In many cases, this can be resolved by charging the watch for a sufficient 1 hour duration before first use. To help you get your watch up and running.

Please follow these steps to ensure a successful charge:

1. Connect the provided charging cable to the watch.

2. Plug the other end of the cable into a USB power source or a wall adapter of 5V 2A

3. Leave the watch connected to the charger for a minimum of 1 hour.

During this time, you may not see any immediate response from the watch, and that's completely normal. After this initial charge, please try turning on your watch again. It should start working as expected. If you still encounter any issues or have further questions, please feel free to reach out to our customer support team. They are available to provide additional assistance and guidance to ensure your watch functions properly. We are committed to your satisfaction, and we want to make sure you have the best experience with your new product. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you require further assistance or if you have any other questions or concerns.

Regards, Team Boltt

If you're experiencing inaccurate readings of SPO2 (blood oxygen saturation), blood pressure (BP), heart rate, step count, or other health-related metrics on a device like a smartwatch or fitness tracker, follow this step-by-step troubleshooting guide to identify and potentially resolve the issue:

Step 1: Ensure Proper Placement - Make sure you are wearing the device correctly and that it is snug but not too tight on your wrist or body. Proper placement can affect the accuracy of readings.

Step 2: Check Sensor Cleanliness - Examine the sensors (usually located on the back of the device) for dirt, sweat, or debris. Clean the sensors gently with a soft, lint-free cloth.

Step 3: Stay Still and Calm - When taking measurements (especially for BP and heart rate), remain still and calm. Movement and stress can affect readings. Wait for a few moments before checking readings.

Step 4: Check Device Firmware/Software - Ensure that your device's firmware or software is up to date. Manufacturers often release updates that include improvements in sensor accuracy and functionality.

Step 5: Reboot or Restart the Device - Try rebooting or restarting the device. Sometimes, a fresh start can resolve minor issues.

Step 6: Perform a Calibration - Some devices allow users to calibrate certain sensors, such as the SPO2 sensor. Check the device's settings under about and triple click on the model name it will go into the calibration mode

Step 7: Check for User Profile Settings - Ensure that your user profile settings, such as age, gender, and weight, are accurately entered into the device. Incorrect user profile information can affect the accuracy of health metrics.

Step 8: Avoid Skin Contact Issues - If you have skin conditions, tattoos, or scars where the sensors make contact, it may affect readings. Adjust the device's placement if necessary. By following these troubleshooting steps, you should be able to identify whether the inaccurate readings are due to user error, sensor issues, or other factors. Always prioritize your health and consider seeking professional medical advice if you have concerns about your health metrics.

Regards, Team Boltt

If you're experiencing issues with a button on your watch not functioning correctly, follow this step-by-step troubleshooting guide to identify and potentially resolve the problem:

Step 1: Check for Physical Debris or Damage - Check the button and the area around it for physical debris, dirt, or damage. Sometimes, debris can obstruct the button's movement or contacts.

Step 2: Clean the Button and Surrounding Area - Use a soft, lint-free cloth or a cotton swab lightly dampened with isopropyl alcohol to gently clean the button and the area around it. Ensure the watch is powered off before cleaning.

Step 3: Restart the Watch - Sometimes, a simple restart can resolve button issues. Restart your watch following the manufacturer's instructions.

Step 4: Update Firmware/Software - Check if there are any available firmware or software updates for your watch. Manufacturers often release updates to address bugs and improve functionality. Remember that if your watch is under warranty, it's generally best to contact the manufacturer's customer support or an authorized service center for assistance.

Attempting self-repair can void the warranty and may not resolve the issue if it's a hardware or internal problem. By following these troubleshooting steps, you should be able to determine whether the button issue is software-related, easily fixable, or if it requires professional attention.

Regards, Team Boltt

If you're experiencing sound issues with your device, such as problems with vibration or ringtone functionality, follow this step-by-step troubleshooting guide to identify and potentially resolve the problem:

Step 1: Check Sound Settings - Ensure that the sound settings on your device are correctly configured. Verify that the device is not in silent or vibration mode. Adjust the ringtone volume and vibration settings as needed.

Step 2: Check for Physical Blockages - Examine the device's speaker, microphone, and vibration motor for any physical blockages or debris that may be interfering with sound or vibration. Remove any obstructions carefully.

Step 3: Restart the Device - Sometimes, a simple restart can resolve sound issues. Restart your device following the manufacturer's instructions.

Step 4: Check for Software Updates - Ensure that your device's operating system and apps are up to date. Manufacturers often release updates that address sound-related issues and improve functionality.

By following these troubleshooting steps, you should be able to determine whether the sound issue is software-related, easily fixable, or if it requires professional attention

Regards, Team Boltt

If you are experiencing issues with pairing or connecting a device, such as a smartphone, Bluetooth headset, or any other device that uses wireless connections, follow this step-by-step troubleshooting guide to resolve the problem:

Step 1: Check Device Compatibility - Ensure that the device you are trying to pair is compatible with the device you want to connect it to. Compatibility issues can prevent successful pairing.

Step 2: Enable Bluetooth - On both devices, make sure Bluetooth is enabled. Check the device settings or control panel to enable Bluetooth.

Step 3: Turn Devices On and Off - Power off both devices and then power them back on. Restarting can resolve minor software glitches that may be preventing the pairing.

Step 4: Ensure Visibility and Discovery Mode - For some devices, you need to set them to "discoverable" or "visible" mode to allow other devices to detect them during the pairing process. Check the device settings for this option and enable it if necessary.

Step 5: Ensure Proper Distance - Ensure that the devices are within the recommended Bluetooth range for pairing, which is typically around 30 feet (10 meters). Being too far apart can result in connection issues.

Step 6: Clear Existing Pairings - If either device has previously paired with other devices, it's a good idea to clear existing pairings to avoid interference. Look for an option in the device settings to forget or unpair previously connected devices.

Step 7: Check Bluetooth Version - Ensure that both devices support the same Bluetooth version (e.g., Bluetooth 4.0, 4.2, 5.0) for compatibility. Devices with different Bluetooth versions may not pair correctly.

Step 8: Forget and Re-Pair - If you've previously paired the devices but are experiencing connection issues, forget the pairing on both devices and then attempt to pair them again from scratch.

Step 9: Check for Interference - Nearby electronic devices, Wi-Fi routers, or other wireless devices can interfere with Bluetooth signals. Move away from potential sources of interference.

Step 10: Battery Levels - Ensure that both devices have sufficient battery levels. Low battery levels can affect the stability of the Bluetooth connection.

By following these troubleshooting steps, you should be able to identify and resolve most issues related to pairing or connecting Bluetooth devices.

Regards, Team Boltt

If you're experiencing a heating issue with a device, such as a smartphone, laptop, or tablet, it's essential to address it promptly to prevent potential damage and ensure safe operation. Here's a step-by-step troubleshooting guide for addressing device heating issues:

Step 1: Check the Environment - Ensure that you're using the device in an environment with adequate ventilation and a reasonable ambient temperature. Excessive heat in the surroundings can contribute to the device's heating.

Step 2: Remove External Sources of Heat - Ensure that the device is not resting on surfaces that generate heat, such as radiators, heating vents, or direct sunlight.

Step 3: Close Background Apps - Close any unused or background applications running on the device. Multiple active apps can cause the device's processor to work harder, generating more heat.

Step 4: Check for Software Updates - Ensure that your device's operating system and apps are up to date. Manufacturers often release updates that include performance optimizations and bug fixes that can help mitigate heating issues.

Step 5: Restart the Device - Restart the device to close any lingering background processes that may be contributing to the heating problem.

Step 6: Monitor Usage - Pay attention to how you're using the device. Activities like 24 hour heart-rate, sensors activated 24 hour, or using resource-intensive apps can increase the device's temperature. Limit such activities if necessary.

Step 7: Check Battery Health - Overheating can be associated with battery issues. Check the device's battery health for any over charging/charging with an adapter above 5V.

Step 8: Reduce Screen Brightness - Lower the screen brightness or enable auto-brightness to reduce the load on the device's GPU (graphics processing unit).

Step 9: Factory Reset (as a last resort) - If all else fails and the device continues to overheat, you can perform a factory reset to return the device to its default settings.

Addressing heating issues promptly and following these troubleshooting steps can help ensure the safety and optimal performance of your device. Always prioritize safety when dealing with device heating issues to prevent potential damage or harm.

Regards, Team Boltt

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you may have experienced with your smartwatch's charging functionality. Please follow the steps outlined below to troubleshoot and resolve the issue: Test Different Charging Cables and Adapters: If your smartwatch isn't charging or turning on, try using different charging cables and adapters to eliminate any charging-related issues.

Inspect Charging Points for Rust: Check the charging points on your smartwatch for any signs of rust. If present, gently clean the charging points on both the smartwatch and the charging cable using a dry cloth or cotton swab. Avoid using water directly on the charging points.

Clean the Charging Points: Carefully wipe the charging points on your smartwatch with a soft cloth dampened with a small amount of thinner or liquid soap. Ensure not to apply excessive moisture, and avoid getting any liquid into the smartwatch's internal components.

Use Compatible Charging Accessories: Once the charging points are clean, use a smartwatch charging cable with a charger rated at up to 5 volts, or connect it to a laptop or low-voltage power bank. Avoid using high-voltage mobile phone charging adapters to charge the smartwatch.

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused by this issue and appreciate your patience and cooperation as we work to resolve it. If you continue to experience difficulties with your smartwatch's charging, please don't hesitate to contact us for further assistance. We are here to help! 

Best Regards, Team Fireboltt

If you're experiencing issues with notifications on your smartwatch, such as not receiving them or facing interruptions, follow this step-by-step troubleshooting guide to identify and potentially resolve the problem:

Step 1: Check Bluetooth Connection Ensure that your smartwatch is properly connected to your smartphone via Bluetooth. Navigate to the Bluetooth settings on both devices to verify the connection status.

Step 2: Review Notification Settings Confirm that the notification settings on your smartphone are correctly configured. Check if notifications are enabled for the specific apps you want to receive alerts from.

Step 3: Ensure App Permissions Make sure that the apps on your smartphone have the necessary permissions to send notifications to your smartwatch. Check the app settings on your smartphone for notification permissions.

Step 4: Restart Both Devices Restart both your smartwatch and smartphone. Sometimes, a simple reboot can resolve communication issues between the two devices.

Step 5: Check for Software Updates Ensure that both your smartwatch and smartphone have the latest software updates installed. Manufacturers frequently release updates to improve compatibility and address notification-related issues.

Step 6: Reset Notification Preferences On your smartwatch, reset notification preferences to default settings. This can often clear any glitches in the notification system.

Step 7: Disconnect and Reconnect Disconnect your smartwatch from your smartphone in the Bluetooth settings and then reconnect the devices. This action can refresh the connection and resolve notification problems.

Step 8: Clear App Cache (if applicable) If your smartwatch has a companion app, clear the cache of the app on your smartphone. This can help in resolving any app-specific issues affecting notifications.

Step 9: Check Do Not Disturb Mode Ensure that your smartwatch is not in Do Not Disturb mode. This mode can suppress notifications, and it's essential to confirm that it's disabled.

Step 10: Factory Reset (as a last resort) If all else fails, consider performing a factory reset on your smartwatch. Please note that this step will restore the device to its default settings, and you may lose some personalized data.

Please keep in mind that if the problem persists despite following these recommendations, we are here to assist you further. Feel free to revert to this email with any additional concerns, and we will do our best to provide a prompt and effective solution. We value your satisfaction and appreciate your understanding in this matter. Thank you for choosing Fire-Boltt.

Regards, Team Boltt

We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused.

The battery backup of your smartwatch is designed to last between 24 to 36 hours under normal usage conditions. However, it's important to note that this estimate may vary depending on individual usage patterns and environmental factors. To accurately test the battery backup of your smartwatch, we recommend using the device without Bluetooth calling enabled. This will help you assess the true battery performance without the additional drain caused by continuous Bluetooth connectivity. We want to assure you that your smartwatch complies with industry parameters and standards. Therefore, any warranty claims related to battery performance, particularly while Bluetooth calling is enabled, stands rejected and hence we shall close the case.

Regards, Team Boltt


We hope this message finds you well and enjoying your Fire-Boltt Dream Wristphone experience. We appreciate your choice in our product and want to ensure you have the best possible experience with it. We have received your report of experiencing heating issues with your devices, and we wanted to provide you with information on why this might be happening and how you can address it.

Possible Causes of Heating Issues:

Background Apps: Your Fire-Boltt Dream Wristphone may experience heating if there are too many background apps running simultaneously. These apps consume additional resources and can cause the device to generate more heat.

Extensive App Usage: Extended use of certain apps, especially those that are graphics-intensive or require a significant amount of processing power, can contribute to the heating issue.

Gaming: Playing graphic-intensive games for extended periods can put a strain on the device, leading to increased heat generation.

Recommendations to Address Heating Issues: Clear Background Apps: Please ensure to regularly clear background apps to free up system resources. This can be done by accessing the recent apps menu and closing unnecessary applications.

Limit Extensive App Usage: While the Fire-Boltt Dream Wristphone is designed to handle a variety of applications, extended and simultaneous usage of resource-intensive apps may contribute to heating. Consider limiting the use of such apps or taking breaks to allow the device to cool down.

Gaming Sessions: If you are an avid gamer, consider taking breaks during extended gaming sessions to prevent the device from overheating. Additionally, ensure that your games are updated to the latest versions, as developers often release optimizations for better performance.

Disable Location When Not in Use: The constant use of location services can contribute to heating issues. We recommend disabling location services when not needed, as this will help conserve battery life and reduce the device's temperature.

Regards, Team Boltt

We hope this email finds you well and enjoying your new Fire-Boltt Dream Wristphone. Thank you for choosing our product” we appreciate your trust in our brand. We wanted to share some valuable information to ensure you get the most out of your device, particularly regarding the sensitivity of the 2.02" touch screen. Understanding Touch Sensitivity: The 2.02" touch screen on your Fire-Boltt Dream is designed to be highly responsive for a seamless user experience. However, we understand that it may take some time to get used to its sensitivity, especially if you're transitioning from a different device. Tips for Optimal Touch Screen Usage: Clean Hands: Ensure your hands are clean and dry when using the touch screen. This helps maintain the sensitivity and prevents any interference from dirt or moisture. Avoid Water on the Screen: While the device is built to withstand normal usage, it's advisable to keep the touch screen free from water. Excessive moisture can affect the touch sensitivity and responsiveness.

Use Finger Tips Carefully: When interacting with the touch screen, use the fleshy part of your fingertips rather than the tip of your fingernails. This helps distribute the touch evenly and prevents any accidental scratches on the screen.

Patience During Adjustment: It's completely normal to take some time adjusting to the sensitivity of the touch screen. With regular usage, you'll find that you can navigate effortlessly and enjoy the benefits of this advanced touch technology.

Warm Regards, Team Fire-Boltt

We're thrilled to assist you in activating your SIM card on your Fireboltt Android smartwatch for uninterrupted connectivity.

Follow these simple steps to insert your SIM card seamlessly:

1. Power Off Your Device: To activate your SIM card, ensure your Fireboltt Dream is turned off. Long-press the Home Button to switch it off.

2. Insert SIM Card: Locate the SIM card tray and carefully pull it out.- Insert the SIM card into the tray with the golden side facing down towards the sensor, ensuring it is inserted in the right direction.

3. Reinsert the Tray: Once the SIM card is inserted correctly, slide the tray back into the slot.

4. Power On Your Watch: Long-press the Home Button again to power on your Fireboltt Dream smartwatch.

5. Activate 4G/Data: Wait for a few moments for the 4G/data connection to activate.- Swipe down from the Control Center and tap on the Mobile Data icon to turn it on for seamless connectivity.

If you encounter any issues during the process or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. Our dedicated support team is here to ensure a smooth experience for you. Thank you for choosing Fireboltt, and we appreciate your trust in us.

Warm Regards, Team Boltt

We understand the importance of having your contacts readily available on your Fireboltt Android smartwatch, and we're here to guide you through the synchronization process effortlessly.

Below are the steps to sync your contacts seamlessly:

1. Create .vcf Import File:- Start by accessing your device's contact settings and create a .vcf import file.

2. Share via Bluetooth:- Once the .vcf file is created, download it to your device's internal storage.- Share the .vcf file via Bluetooth to your Fireboltt Android smartwatch.

3. Export Contacts:- Connect your Fireboltt Android to your Android device.- Export your contacts to the smartwatch using the provided option.

4. Import Contacts:- After sharing the .vcf file, navigate to the "inbound transfers" section on your smartwatch.- Choose the downloaded .vcf file and select the contacts option.- Patiently wait for the contacts to import into your Fireboltt Android smartwatch. Additionally, you can simplify the process by using the Google Contacts App, available for download on the Play Store. This app allows you to sync your contacts directly to your smartwatch with ease. We trust that these steps will help you synchronize your contacts effortlessly and enhance your experience with the Fireboltt Android smartwatch.

Should you encounter any difficulties or require further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. Our dedicated support team is always here to help. Thank you for choosing Fireboltt, and we appreciate your continued support.

Warm Regards, Team Boltt

First and foremost, we extend our heartfelt gratitude for choosing Fire-Boltt Android Smartwatch as your wearable companion. Your trust in our product means the world to us, and we are committed to ensuring your satisfaction every step of the way. We've recently become aware of an issue concerning the display on your Fire-Boltt Android Smartwatch not lighting up. Upon careful investigation, it appears that this may be due to insufficient battery power. Not to worry though, we're here to guide you through resolving this matter promptly.

To address this concern, we recommend the following steps:

1. Connect to Power Source:- Utilize the provided charging cable and connect it to a reliable power source.

2. Secure Charging Connection:- Ensure the charging cable is securely attached to the designated port on your watch.

3. Allow Adequate Charging Time:- Let your Fire-Boltt Android Smatwatch charge for approximately 3 hours to ensure a full replenishment of the battery. Once the charging process is complete, please attempt to power on your watch again. In most cases, a complete charge will restore optimal functionality to your device.

However, if you continue to experience difficulties even after charging, or if the issue persists, please don't hesitate to reach out to our dedicated customer support team. We're here to provide further assistance, additional troubleshooting steps, or any guidance you may require. Your satisfaction is our utmost priority, and we're committed to ensuring you have a seamless experience with your Fire-Boltt Android Smartwatch. Thank you once again for choosing Fire-Boltt for your wearable technology needs. Your understanding and patience are greatly appreciated as we work diligently to resolve this matter for you. 

Warm Regards, Team Fire-Boltt

In response to your inquiry, we'd like to guide you through the process of changing your watch from 24-hour display to the 12-hour format.

Follow these simple steps:

- Navigate to the settings menu from the home screen.

- Swipe down to access the system option panel.

- Tap on the system option panel, where you'll find the "Automatic Date & Time" option.

- Disable the "Automatic Date & Time" option.

- Toggle the "Use 24-hour format" option to enable the 12-hour format.

- Upon completion of these steps, your time display format will be adjusted accordingly.

Thank you for your cooperation and should you have any further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.

Best Regards, Team Boltt

We regret to inform you that, following recent concerns raised, we've discovered that the E-SIM feature is currently not supported on Android smartwatches. We understand that this news may come as a disappointment, and we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. However, we are excited to inform you that our Android smartwatch offers an exceptional alternative. While it may not support the E-SIM feature, the Android smartwatch provides an incredible experience with its support for physical SIM cards. By inserting a physical SIM into your Android smartwatch, you can enjoy seamless connectivity and all the features that make our smartwatches truly remarkable. We understand that this transition may require some adjustment, but we are committed to ensuring that you continue to have a phenomenal experience with our products. Our team is here to assist you every step of the way and address any questions or concerns you may have. We sincerely appreciate your cooperation and understanding in this matter. Your satisfaction is our top priority, and we are dedicated to providing you with the best possible experience. Should you have any further questions or require assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We are always here to help. Thank you for choosing Boltt, and we look forward to continuing to serve you.

Warm regards, Team Boltt

In response to your inquiry, we regret to inform you that the Dream smartwatch does not support connectivity with smartphones. However, it is equipped with an In-Build Android operating system version 8.0, allowing it to function independently as a standalone phone on your wrist. Please note that while the Dream smartwatch facilitates data transfer, it does not support smartphone connectivity features. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. Should you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us.

Best Regards, Team Boltt

We wanted to provide you with some essential information to ensure you get the best performance from your Fireboltt Dream smartwatch. Firstly, we recommend fully charging the device before its initial use. This ensures optimal performance and longevity. Please note that during the initial setup and app downloads, battery consumption may be higher than usual. However, over time, you should notice an improvement in battery life. Additionally, we're excited to share that the Fireboltt Dream offers three battery modes: Normal, Low Power, and Ultra-Low Power. The Ultra-Low Power mode displays only the time but significantly extends battery life, providing you with prolonged usage between charges. Thank you for your cooperation in following these guidelines. Should you have any further questions or require assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.

Best Regards, Team Boltt

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused to you. We have made several attempts to reach you using the contact details provided, but unfortunately have been unable to connect. To ensure that we can assist you effectively, we kindly request you to share your accurate contact details with us. This will enable our team to address your concerns promptly and provide you with the necessary assistance.

If you have any queries or complaints regarding our product, please feel free to email us at Alternatively, you can reach us by phone at our customer service numbers: 022-69089888. Your satisfaction is our priority, and we are committed to resolving any issues you may have. We appreciate your cooperation and look forward to hearing from you soon.

Warm Regards, Team Boltt

I hope this email finds you well. Thank you for choosing Fire-Boltt for the replacement of your smartwatch. We appreciate your trust in our services. Before we proceed with the replacement process, we would like to bring to your attention an important consideration regarding the data stored on your smartwatch. In the course of our replacement procedures, there may be instances where it becomes necessary to format the device for diagnostic tests and software updates. This can potentially result in the loss of data stored on the smartwatch.

To ensure the safety of your data and to prevent any unintentional loss, we kindly request that you follow these instructions before submitting your smartwatch for reverse pickup:

1. Backup Your Smartwatch Data: Please perform a backup of all important data, including fitness tracking history, settings, and any other personal information stored on your smartwatch.

2. Remove Passwords and Locks: If your smartwatch is password-protected or has any security features, kindly disable it before sending it for replacement. This will facilitate a smoother diagnostic process.

3. Remove SIM Card: If your smartwatch/worn phone has any SIM card inserted, kindly remove the SIM card before handing the product to our courier partner. This will ensure that the SIM card cannot be misused for any purposes whatsoever.

Note: The above-mentioned consent is only applicable to Fire-Boltt Dream.

By taking these precautions, you can help us expedite the replacement process and minimize any inconvenience caused by potential data loss. Rest assured that our technicians will handle your smartwatch with the utmost care, and these steps are a proactive measure to ensure the protection of your valuable data. We appreciate your cooperation in this matter and look forward to resolving the issues with your smartwatch promptly.

Regards, Team Fire-Boltt

We hope this email finds you well and that you're enjoying your Fire-Boltt Android Smartwatch. We're reaching out to provide you with some important information regarding the GPS functionality of your device. Upon extensive testing and evaluation, we want to be transparent about the limitations of GPS accuracy in your smartwatch. While the GPS feature is designed to provide location information, we've found that its accuracy may be limited under certain conditions. It's crucial to understand these limitations to ensure the best experience with your device. Factors such as signal interference, environmental conditions, and device positioning can impact GPS accuracy. However, we want to assure you that while GPS accuracy may vary, your smartwatch can still be thoroughly used for activity-based tracking.

Here's how you can leverage your smartwatch for accurate activity tracking:

Activity-Based Accuracy: Your smartwatch excels in tracking your activities such as running, walking, cycling, and more. While GPS accuracy may fluctuate, the device's internal sensors work together to provide reliable data for your workouts and outdoor activities.

Calibration: Ensure your smartwatch is properly calibrated and synced with your activity profile to enhance the accuracy of activity tracking data. This ensures that your fitness metrics, such as distance covered and pace, are as precise as possible. After thorough testing and evaluation, we've identified that the GPS accuracy in your smartwatch may have limitations under certain circumstances. While we understand the importance of precise location tracking, we want to assure you that the device remains highly reliable, particularly for health tracking activities.

Here's what you need to know about the GPS accuracy and its performance in health tracking activities:

Limited GPS Accuracy: Factors such as signal interference, environmental conditions, and device positioning can affect GPS accuracy. As a result, the location tracking feature may not always provide pinpoint accuracy, especially in areas with obstructed satellite signals.

Health Tracking Activities: Despite the potential limitations in GPS accuracy, your smartwatch excels in tracking various health metrics, including steps taken, distance covered, heart rate monitoring, and other health-related activities. The device's internal sensors and algorithms ensure that health tracking data remains fairly accurate and reliable.

Focus on Health and Fitness: We've designed your smartwatch to prioritize health and fitness tracking, and you can trust its ability to provide valuable insights into your activity levels, workouts, and overall well-being. Whether you're running, cycling, or engaging in other physical activities, rest assured that your smartwatch will deliver meaningful data to help you achieve your fitness goals. While we continuously strive to enhance the GPS performance of our devices, we want to emphasize the reliability and accuracy of health tracking activities on your smartwatch.

To help optimize GPS performance and improve accuracy, we recommend the following:

Update Firmware: Ensure that your smartwatch's firmware is up to date to benefit from any improvements or enhancements to GPS functionality.

Open Sky Visibility: Whenever possible, use the GPS feature in open areas with a clear view of the sky to maximize signal reception.

Patience: In situations where GPS accuracy is temporarily compromised, please allow some time for the device to recalibrate and acquire a stronger signal.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the GPS accuracy, health tracking features, or any other aspect of your smartwatch, please don't hesitate to contact our customer support team. We're here to assist you and ensure that you have the best possible experience with our products.

Thank you for choosing Fire-Boltt. We appreciate your understanding and support as we work to improve our products and services.

Regards, Team Fire-Boltt

We hope this email finds you well. As part of our commitment to transparency and ensuring the best possible experience for our customers, we wanted to provide you with some important information regarding the battery backup duration of your Fire-Boltt Dream . After extensive testing and evaluation, we want to inform you that even under extreme conditions, such as continuous heavy usage or adverse environmental factors, the expected battery backup duration for your device is approximately 3-4 hours. Our team has rigorously tested the product to ensure that it performs reliably under various circumstances. However, it's important to note that the actual battery life may vary depending on individual usage patterns and environmental factors.

To maximize the battery life of your device, we recommend following these tips:

1.Adjusting the screen brightness to an optimal level.

2.Closing unused applications running in the background.

3.Disabling features like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and GPS when not in use.

4.Keeping your device updated with the latest software versions. We understand the importance of having a reliable battery backup, especially in critical situations, and we assure you that we are continuously working to enhance the performance and efficiency of our products.

If you have any further questions or concerns regarding the battery backup or any other aspect of your device, please don't hesitate to reach out to our customer support team. We're here to assist you in any way we can. Thank you for choosing Fire-Boltt. We appreciate your trust in our products.

Warm Regards, Team Fire-Boltt

We hope this email finds you well and enjoying your Fire-Boltt Android Smartwatch. We're writing to provide you with some important information regarding the sensors used to measure health-based activity in your device. It's essential for us to be transparent about the capabilities of your smartwatch. While the sensors embedded in your device are designed to measure various health-related activities, we want to emphasize that the readings may occasionally include data from non-living objects and that the smartwatch is not intended to be a medically accurate device.

Here are a few key points to keep in mind:

Non-Living Object Readings: Due to the nature of sensor technology, your smartwatch may inadvertently capture readings from non-living objects in close proximity. This could occur in situations where the sensors come into contact with external surfaces or objects.

Not Medically Accurate: It's important to understand that your smartwatch is not a medically accurate device and should not be relied upon for medical diagnosis or treatment. While the health tracking features can provide valuable insights into your activity levels and general well-being, they are not a substitute for professional medical advice or diagnosis.

Use as a Wellness Tool: We encourage you to view your smartwatch as a wellness tool rather than a medical device. It can help you track your physical activity, monitor your sleep patterns, and set fitness goals, but it's essential to interpret the data in context and consult with healthcare professionals for any medical concerns.

We value your trust in our product and want to ensure that you have a clear understanding of its capabilities and limitations. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the sensors or any other aspect of your smartwatch, please don't hesitate to reach out to our customer support team. We're here to assist you and provide any additional information you may need. Thank you for choosing Fire-Boltt. We appreciate your understanding and support as we continue to improve our products and services.

Regards, Team Fire-Boltt

We wanted to provide you with some important information regarding the initial charging and battery backup of your new Fire-Boltt Dream Wristphone. It's crucial to ensure the optimal performance and longevity of your device.

Initial Charging: To achieve a 100% charge for your Fire-Boltt Dream Wristphone, we recommend an initial charging period of 2.5 hours. This will allow the battery to reach its full capacity and ensure that you can enjoy extended usage without any interruptions.

Battery Backup Calibration: Please note that your wristphone may take a minimum of three days to settle down and provide an accurate battery backup reading. During this period, the device will undergo various activities, and it's essential to give it some time to adjust and calibrate for accurate power consumption calculations.

Why Three Days? The initial days involve the watch adapting to your usage patterns, syncing data, and optimizing power management. By allowing a minimum of three days, you will receive a more precise and reliable estimate of your Fire-Boltt Dream Wristphone's battery life under normal usage conditions. We understand that this may be different from what you may have experienced with other devices, but this adjustment period ensures that your device provides the best possible performance over the long term. We are here to assist you and ensure you have a seamless experience with your Fire-Boltt Dream Wristphone.

Regards, Team Boltt

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you may have experienced with the network issue on your new Fire-Boltt Dream Wristphone.

To assist you in resolving this matter, please find below some important instructions:

Inserting the SIM Card:

1. Power Off the Device: Ensure your Android device is powered off before attempting to insert the SIM card.

2. Insert the SIM Card: Place the SIM card on the tray, aligning it with the designated notches. Ensure it sits securely.

3. Push the Tray Back In: Carefully push the SIM card tray back into the slot until it clicks into place.

4. Power On Your Device: Turn on your Android device.

Resolving Network Issues:

1. Check Signal Strength: Ensure that your device has a strong cellular signal. If the signal is weak, consider moving to an area with better reception.

2. Toggle Airplane Mode: Swipe down from the top of the screen to open the Quick Settings menu and toggle on Airplane Mode. Wait a few seconds and then turn it off again to refresh your network connection.

3. Restart Your Device: A simple restart can often resolve network issues. Power off your device, wait a few seconds, and then turn it back on.

4. Update Carrier Settings: Go to "Settings" > "System" > "About phone" > "Software update" and check for updates. Carrier updates can sometimes resolve network-related problems.

5. Check Data Connection Settings: Go to "Settings" > "Connections" > "Mobile networks" > "Network mode" and ensure the correct network mode (e.g., VoLTE, 3G) is selected.

6. Reset Network Settings: In "Settings," go to "System" > "Reset" > "Reset network settings." This will reset Wi-Fi, Mobile data, and Bluetooth settings, but it may help resolve connectivity issues.

We understand the importance of a reliable network connection, and we're here to provide further assistance. If you continue to experience network issues after following these steps, please don't hesitate to contact our customer support team at 022-69089888 or email us at Our dedicated team is ready to help you resolve any concerns you may have. Thank you for your patience and cooperation.

Best Regards, Team Boltt

We understand the frustration that comes with encountering app crashes, and we're here to help you resolve this issue swiftly.

Below, we've outlined a comprehensive guide to troubleshoot and address the problem you're facing:

1. Restart the App: Close the app entirely.- Restart the app to see if the issue persists.

2. Restart Your Device: Sometimes, a simple device restart can work wonders.

3. Check for App Updates: Ensure you're using the latest version of the app from the app store.

4. Check for System Updates: Keep your device's operating system up to date.

5. Clear App Cache and Data: Navigate to your device's settings to clear cache and data for the app.

6. Check for Storage Space: Free up space on your device if it's running low on storage.

7. Reinstall the App: Uninstall the app and reinstall it from the app store.

8. Check for Conflicting Apps:-- Remove recently installed apps that might be conflicting with the problematic one.

9. Verify Compatibility: Ensure the app is compatible with your device's operating system.

10. Review App Permissions: Check if the app has the necessary permissions and grant them if required.

11. Factory Reset (if necessary): As a last resort, consider performing a factory reset on your device.

If you've tried these steps and the issue persists, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. Our dedicated support team is ready to assist you further and ensure you get the seamless experience you deserve. Thank you for your patience and cooperation as we work to resolve this matter promptly. Best Regards, Team Boltt